It feels so good to be home!
I couldn't wait to leave the hospital last Saturday.
In fact, I would have gone home Friday morning if they let me.
This birth was so much easier than Dot's,
and my body is thankful for that!
Dorothy loves her baby sister.
Whenever I am holding the baby,
all she wants to do is come over and kiss her repeatedly.
She does get a little upset that I can't hold her as much,
but she doesn't take it out on the baby--
another thing I am thankful for.
Little miss Lucy is such a sweet baby.
She really only cries when she is hungry.
She does spit up a TON, though.
We are averaging about 4 outfits a day with this one
just to keep her dry and comfortable.
We are just blessed once again to have a healthy, beautiful baby girl!
Life as 4 is wonderful!
1. Sleeping in my own bed.
2. All the wonderful people bringing in meals--we love you!
3. An almost solid night of sleep last night.