Wednesday, November 11, 2009


der Hole.
der Footings.

If all goes well,
foundation walls go in tomorrow!

1. progress
2. green machine juice
3. days off from work (thanks to our Vets!)


Toni said...

So AWESOME you guys!!!!

We've moved into our place... but are still working on hanging wallboard!

Jo Jo said...

Yeah! Watching your house be built from the ground up is a wonderful thing! I was just thinking of you today and wondering how you were feeling.

Travis and Heather said...

I can't believe your building a house. What a joy! And your pregnant with number two(I was just preparing my sunbeam lesson and thought about you randomly....I stink at checking I trotted right over), I know I am a little late to be congratulating but what a thrill!

Youngfamily said...

That is so exciting to watch your house come up!!! You have got a lot on your plate..... babies, house.... how do you deal with it all???