Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Just for the record, here are a few things that happened in the last few months of our lives:

* Dot turned 4!
* Marty and I celebrated 5 wonderful years of marriage.
* I turned 29. What?! Where did my twenties go?
* Lucy turned 3!
* I cut bangs into my own hair. Still wondering if this was a good idea...
*We cut bangs into Dot's hair because she wanted to look like mommy.
* I sheared my first sheep--and lost part of my left thumb in the process. Luckily not too much.
* We tore apart and remodeled our kitchen pantry.
*We moved around our garden plots to make room for a cow--and maybe a pony.
*Asparagus and radish season has come and gone. Lettuce is about to bolt. Summer must be around the corner.
*Ezra became the cutest boy known to man. Oh, wait. That is always.
*Almost lost the goat in a freak fence falling accident. She is pretty much recovered.
*Bought a fourth child...I mean sourdough starter. Seriously, I have to feed that thing almost as often as my children. 

There you go. Now you know what life has brought us:)

1 comment:

JoshandMegs said...

Okay, I keep meaning to comment on every post, and then life gets the best of me, I guess ;) But I love them all!
Loved the comment about the sourdough starter being a second child ;) How is that going? I have always wanted to do that but am weary of it being a pain.