Friday, November 29, 2013


Last night, after a wonderful day with friends, family, and good food, we went through the motions of the bedtime routine. After jammies were on, teeth were brushed, scriptures read, and prayers said, we gave out hugs and kisses and broke into two groups: Marty with the girls to tuck them in with a story, and me with the baby to nurse him to sleep. 

Within a minute or two of getting settled with Ezra, in came a sad Lucy. She just wanted to snuggle with mama. I didn't have the heart to turn her away, so in to bed she came. 

After finishing his story for Dot, Marty came on back and crawled into bed , tired from a long day of helping with the kids (while I cooked and cleaned), and playing host. The four of us scooted around until we were cozy enough and closed our eyes. 

But not for long! Dorothy realized she was all alone, and she is not one to be left out of a party. She crawled up and made space between daddy and baby. There we all were, the five of us, scrunched up together, poking each other with elbows, knees, and toes, sharing the same air, and it was perfect. I fell asleep giving thanks for my sweet, growing brood. It was the perfect end to our day of thanks. 

Or so I thought. I woke up around 9:30, still surrounded by bodies, and decided that I wouldn't feel it was so perfect if we attempted the entire night that way. So I carefully untangled myself and moved the girls both back to their own spots. I also remembered I had bubbling stock to check, so I crept downstairs, checked the stock, and then realized how peaceful the house was. In all that quiet, I made my way to the bookcases, picked out a book, and spent the next hour cuddled up in a blanket doing something I really love: reading without disruption! 

I crawled back into my *more* empty bed around 11, feeling greatful for the TWO perfect endings I was blessed to have on Thanksgiving day. Life truly is good.

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