Sunday, January 12, 2014


Our life feels crazy these days. Marty is busier than he has ever been in our marriage ( lots of mommy--munchkin and solo bedtimes); I'm in the middle of morning sickness, nine weeks pregnant with baby number 4 (surprise!!); and on top of Marty being the Young Men's president at church, I was called in as a counselor in the Young Women's presidency (hello major time-sucking callings!). However, with all that is going on, I can honestly sit back and say that we are happy. Life is full of joyful moments, and I am grateful to count those blessings each day. 

I love that we still manage dinner together as a family 99% of the time . I love that we are learning to seize moments for fun--like a random movie (candy included) yesterday afternoon during a rainstorm. I love that when things get crazy we all seem to come together in a beautiful way that ensures things will still get done.

Yes. I am happy. Bags under my eyes, urpy-tummied, blessed-beyond-measure Happy. 


Jo Jo said...

You are a good lady! Four under ? You have a good mold, though! Your kids are adorable! It will be fun to see the new one and your new name. Hang in there!

Carly said...

Congratulations on baby #4! Sorry about all the busy-ness. That is hard, especially with morning sickness on top.

Desiree M. said...

you are amazing.