Saturday, September 12, 2009

in process

Well, our blueprints are being ordered for the house. We're looking at a February move-in time. We are finally settled in our new place, so things are coming together!

Dorothy continues to be more wonderful every day. She has mastered rolling and uses it as her main way to get around these days. She has moved on to sweet potatoes as a new solid food and loves them (who wouldn't?). I'm always amazed at what a trooper she is while I cart her around for errands and meetings and appointments. How blessed we are to have such an incredible daughter.

Marty started back to school this week. We feel so blessed that he still has his teaching position, and it will be exciting to see how his new group of students are. Last fall was hard for me, just being home and not going back to school. This fall has been much easier. I love being home with Dot, and I made a trip to my college campus with her and my mom to fulfill my craving for school in the fall. Now I'm ready to hunker down with my sweaters, books, warm beverages, and family as the fall begins.

1. library books
2. weekends with the hubby home
3. dinner out every now and then

1 comment:

Jo Jo said...

Is that the beginnings of a double chin I'm seeing on that cute Dot! Good musings of a mom.