something along the lines of: "I long to accomplish great and noble tasks, but my duty is to accomplish humble tasks as if they were noble and great."
I was thinking about this quotation the other day and feeling very much like my life consists of a long string of humble tasks that I try ever-so-hard to feel are noble and great.
However, I then had an "ah-ha!" moment, and a glorious lightbulb shone. My duty is to take care of my family and raise my children in righteousness. What more noble and great tasks could there be? If I am able to accomplish these two things, then I truly will feel that I have lived a life of greatness. So bring on the sinks full of dirty dishes, the sad cries of Dot at 2am, the goat milking, the endless vacuuming-up after a toddler--I'm ready for greatness!
Really nice quote and thought. Thanks. It's so true. My kids slept so much better when they were close to 3.
To paraphrase Abraham: "Now the Lord had shown unto me, [a modern parent], the intelligences that were organized before the world was; and among all these there were many of the noble and great ones"--and I'm quite certain that some of them are walking around in my house in diapers. (to which Alana would undoubtedly respond: so go do a noble and great thing--change the diaper!)
i hear ya sista! thanks for sharing.
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