Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Back to School!

I don't think I can tell you all enough how much
I love the fall.
I love the cooler weather, the fruits and vegetables, the colors,
I especially like the return to school and learning.

This year, inspired by this wonderful woman,
I decided to start our back to school season off right
with a little family feast.

We all got a little antsy about an hour before dinner
excited about the bubbly, roast, veggies, gravy, and cake--
basically the kind of dinner I have not bothered to cook
since the morning sickness set in.
Oh, how we savored those slow-cooked flavors!
Goosey was particularly interested in the sparkling white grape juice.
Dorothy would eat nothing but roast and chanted
"I love meat!" over and over.
I was just happy she ate anything at all
because from the moment she saw the cake plate
(about 2 hours before dinner)
she insisted on telling me she wanted nothing but a big ole' slice.
We ended the night presenting Marty with a framed family picture
for him to have on his desk,
as well as a frame with our family theme for the school year:
"Seek learning, by study and also by faith" D&C 88:118.
We talked about ways each of us will focus on learning this year,
both spiritually and temporally.
It was a wonderful chance to refocus and set some new goals.

The next morning came with down pouring rain at 6am,
right when Marty had to get up to milk the goat before school.
He was wonderful, not complaining but just getting the job done.
He then came back in to dry off and have some hot chocolate and buttered toast
before heading out for his first day of school.
Happy new school year, everyone!
May we all find ways to learn and grow this year.


The Mormon Monk said...

Hooray for goat-milking school teachers!

Jo Jo said...

Sweet post.Hot chocolate already?