Tuesday, June 9, 2009

first up

Sunday night we got our first
CSA veggies of the season!
They included:
1 HUGE bag of pea greens
3 heads of spring lettuce
1 bunch of early radishes
Salad, anyone?

This Thursday we start our official weekly pick-up.
Along with more veggies we'll be getting
3 lbs of meat, 6 eggs, and 1/2 lb of goat cheese.
I can't wait!

1. fresh food
2. naps
3. dinner with friends

1 comment:

Toni said...

Those veggies look awesome!!!! How's Tony's garden doing this year?

Do you guys have a spot for a garden?

I'm doing Square Foot Gardening this year.

We just harvested some radishes and lettuce. Yummy!