Monday, June 1, 2009

Just a Homemaker...

There was a time in my life (a mere 2 years ago) when I thought I would be ambitiously pursuing a masters degree in Contemporary American Literature by night and selflessly shaping the minds of America's adolescents by day. THIS rigorous schedule, I believed, was what accomplishment was all about.

And then I got married...and had a baby...

Needless to say, my goals have changed quite a bit.

While teaching and pursuing higher education are both wonderful things, they (in the traditional sense) are no longer the things that make me tick. However, this is not to say that I am no longer teaching and learning each and every day. I believe that I still am--perhaps to an even greater degree.

Today, my blogging friends, I submit that the phrase "just a homemaker" needs to lose that defaming "just." Being at home with Dorothy, being there to help her grow and develop is the greatest teaching experience I have ever had. Striving each and every day to find ways to help my little family by cutting costs, cleaning, organizing, cooking, etc. has helped me learn more than any course ever would.

However, the importance of the things we do in our homes is only fully realized when we stop to see what we are helping our homes to become.

"Home can be a Heaven on Earth." We know this well, and how true it is. What greater calling could there be than making Heavenly Homes on the Earth? What greater calling could there be than creating a space where the holy and just can dwell?

To homemakers everywhere, I urge you to wear your title as a badge of honor! We are doing an important work. Let us never belittle the sacred work with which we have been entrusted. Instead, let us do it to the best of our ability.

1. mommyhood
2. new recipes
3. library books

1 comment:

LL said...

you are adorable!!! and so is that baby of yours.
GOOD FOR YOU to recognize the importance of what you're doing at home. This post totally reminded me of the book I AM A MOTHER by Jane Clayson Johnson. SUCH a great book...she basically says women should not say, "I'm just a mom" We need to say I AM A MOTHER and be confident and proud of our title.
YOU are a wonderful, cute, loving little Mom. It's been fun to watch you and see of pictures of little Dot.