The goats are great,
but these people are perfect:)
Lucy continues to be a mellow, sweet baby girl.
She is getting up on her hands or knees,
but hasn't quite figured out how to do both at once.
I'm afraid she might be crawling before she turns 5 months old.
A typical moment at our house:
Lucy enjoying life; Dot getting ready to do some damage.
We're always ready for damage control:)
Can you believe how big she is getting?
Speaking of BIG--
we enjoyed every bite of our farewell to summer sundae.
Just a mama and her Goose.
Another failed attempt at a nice Sunday morning picture.
Dot officially enters nursery this week!
Another shot of my beautiful first born.
I love my family!
1. needing a sweater for our walk today
2. new young couples moving into our ward--
but we still want Allison and Kent back!
3. a boatload of winter sqush ready to eat on my back porch.
That pic of Dot is priceless. She is a big eye beauty.
Dorothy looks more and more like a little girl. They are both so cute!
We should meet up for apple picking soon.
we miss you guys so much too!!!! but have fun with the newbees =o]
ps. i showed kent your post about the goats and he said it was a good thing we moved when we did or i would be wanting to get in on the action too ha ha ha i'm so glad you are getting to have your own little farm!!
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