Wednesday, August 31, 2011

special helper

No doubt about it, Dorothy is one sassy girl. However, I think she has an extra dose of sweetness inside of her to make up for all that sass.
Thankfully I am on my way out of the morning sickness days.
But there is one thing I will miss from all those moments
with my head over the toilet.
This sweet girl,
my special helper,
liked to find me mid-yack
and rub my back.
she would say in her sweet voice,
"it's okay. You'll feel better now."
Then she would pretend to cough and sputter a bit herself
and run off to cause some mischief.

Nothing like a two year old.


Jo Jo said...

That coughing and sputtering made me laugh! Too cute. Yeah!

Mary Casey said...

Ridiculously cute Dot, and crazy gorgeous Mama! What a seriously fantastic picture of you!! <3