Sunday, October 12, 2008

Any happy little thought

Over the summer,
I was called to teach Sunday school
to the 15-18 year old youth.
For those of you who knew me at this age,
the irony of this calling should make you laugh.

A few weeks ago,
my class was
No hands raised.
No comments to add.
No smiles.
I decided that something needed to be done.
I started what I like to call "Bit o' Happiness."
At the beginning of every Sunday school class we now take
about 5 minutes
and someone shares something that makes them happy.
This (usually) brings some smiles and unity
to the room before the lesson begins.

Today, I was in charge of the "Bit o' Happiness."
I spent part of this past week
organizing old photographs, and each one was attached
to a wonderful memory.
So for my "Bit o' Happiness," I decided to share
some of my memories.
I also decided to share a quotation by
President Thomas S. Monson:

"God gave us memories so that we may have
June roses in the December of our lives."

May we all listen to the words of
Disney's Peter Pan
and take the time to "think of a wonderful thought--
Any happy little thought"
when we are in need of our own "Bit o' Happiness."
We have enough Blah in our lives;
let's strive for more Roses.


Becky said...

ooohhhh, LOVE this quote. Thanks for sharing it. And thanks for your latest comment on my blog - made me smile!:)

Laura said...

Amen and amen.