Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What a GOOBER!

After 20 weeks of waiting,
it looks like we will have to wait 20 more!
Apparently our dear, darling,
little baby Vieira
does NOT want to give away the big secret.
The little stinker squirmed around
all during measurements,
and then he/she decided to hunker down with legs
firmly crossed when the time came to find out
if this is Kaio Lewis or Dorothy Mae.

Boy or Girl?
Submission deadline for guesses has been extended
to March 1st.


Aubrey said...

This baby is already causing trouble! How rude! Well, will you have another ultrasound before you're due?

Becky said...

ooohhh...i LOVE surprises. i'm really liking your names too. i'll have to say boy? what's the baby's heartrate been? i've known it to be true - the higher the heartrate they say it's a girl. the lower tends to be a boy.

Adam and Anya said...

I think maybe a boy. But don't listen to me...I was wrong with both of my own children.

The Vieiras said...

I've been thinking boy too, but I don't have my heart set either way. We'll be happy with any healthy little baby!

Oh, and Becky, the heartrate was 150 the other day. I'm not sure where that puts us!