As our house fills up with more and more baby stuff,
we are feeling more and more blessed.
We are so grateful to everyone
who has given us such wonderful gifts
that help us feel prepared to bring Dorothy home!
Here are a few of the cute clothes
we have received;
I think this little girl already has more clothes than her
mom or dad!
we are feeling more and more blessed.
We are so grateful to everyone
who has given us such wonderful gifts
that help us feel prepared to bring Dorothy home!
Here are a few of the cute clothes
we have received;
I think this little girl already has more clothes than her
mom or dad!
with one of our gift cards.
I love the leaf mobile and the soft nature sounds it makes.
Grandma Vieira is such a crafty lady!
She made us this great set of Wizard of Oz plush toys
(what else for a little Dorothy?).
Grandma Heaps sent us this fantastic rocking chair
for the nursery,
and the quilt on the back was made by one of Marty's relatives.
I wanted to put her name up on the wall,
so I made these signs using stuff from around the house.
Now I just have to figure our a way to hang them.
And this surprise came in the mail yesterday!
We had told my mom we thought this picture would
be wonderful over Dorothy's crib.
She must have agreed!
We're so excited to pick out a frame and get this up on the wall.
less than 7 weeks until Dorothy is due.
I think we have been blessed from all our walking and yoga
because I still feel pretty darn good--
I am just getting anxious!
I still need to pack our bag for the hospital
and wash all the clothes and blankets we have gotten,
but other than that I think we're about as ready as we can be!