Saturday, January 10, 2009


Since we found out
that we are having Dorothy,
this pregnancy has become even MORE real to me
(as if this growing belly were not enough).
All week long,
all I could think about was getting her room ready.

Thursday afternoon, I spent a good few hours
deep cleaning the dresser
we were planning on using for her clothes and diapers.
it was an old dresser from Marty's parents place
and it had a little bit of a musty smell going on.
I could not handle it!
I called Marty in a panic
telling him that we HAD to get something else.
He calmed me down,
and that night we took the dresser back to Westport
and switched it out for a newer dresser.
SO much better!
After vacuuming out and wiping down every surface
of this new dresser (of course),
I felt comfortable putting the few clothes I have bought
into one of the drawers for when Dorothy gets here.

I love when our home is clean,
but I really hope that this OCD-like,
slightly manic approach to clean things eases up
after the baby is born.

Besides the cleaning binges,
I've also starting
baby-crafting like a fool.
I've made a few soft toys out of yarn,
and yesterday I did about half of a baby blanket.
I guess I need something to keep me busy!

Part of me cannot believe 30 weeks have gone by,
and the other half feels like 10 weeks is too long
to wait to meet our little girl!
I'm really just trying to relax and enjoy
the end of this pregnancy,
but it will be a sweet day when we get to meet our daughter!


Liz said...

hey kim. i'm glad you found my blog. what a cute pregnant lady you are. congratulations and hang in there. i know exactly how you feel!

Becky said...

Enjoy your last few weeks and try to sleep a LOT! You will be sleep deprived after - but it will be SO worth it. :)

Kirsti said...

I am so excited for you two. You are the best!!