Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Annie Love.

Ezra was, admittedly, not excited about a new baby joining our family. Especially since that baby was another GIRL. It was almost more than he could bear. He grumbled about that "bad baby" that everyone else seemed so happy about.

I was worried about the first time he came to meet her at the hospital. But he jumped right in, kissing her and asking to hold her. I worried again when she and I came home, thinking the novelty might wear off. However, as the weeks went on, he found his inner big brother. At church he shoves people back a bit who crowd to closely to "his" baby. He smothers her face with slobbery, boogery kisses. He sings her "twinkle twinkle" when she starts to cry.

My favorite moment came in the middle of the night. Ann is in with us, and usually by about 2am Ezra crawls in too. I always made myself a barrier between the two, but with Annie getting sturdier I haven't worried so much. They happened to end up next to each other the other night, and when I woke up around 3 I found my baby boy with his arms cuddled around my baby girl. They were snuggled up next to each other, comfortable and happy. I hope this sweet boy of mine always takes his big brother duties so seriously. Annie is a lucky girl.

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