Monday, October 6, 2014

Conference Weekend

We love conference weekend! We pick our favorite meals and treats to share, we rearrange the furniture to make viewing extra cozy, and we get to spend two full days together as a family. But Two full days together means there will be lots of highlights and not-so-highlights.


Elder Holland's talk and President Uchtdorf's talk from the Priesthood session were ones that hit our little hearts the hardest. 

Watching the children light up when they saw the Prophet on the screen. 

Hearing all the beautiful music.

Hearing Dorothy say, "quiet down everyone! I'm trying to listen to the Prophets!"


Finding a huge pee puddle behind the music room couch because I forgot Ezra had stripped himself down naked.

One unnamed child throwing a block at another's head with the toys we hoped would keep them happily preoccupied.

Realizing Ezra had gotten extremely quiet and then realizing he had found a marker and graffitied himself, his rocking horse, a couch, and various walls. Luckily, it WAS washable--oh, the tender mercies!!

I think the funniest moment of the two days was when Ezra turned to me with a very grumpy face and said, "mom, I'm done with this DVD." It makes me laugh that he thinks anything we watch is a DVD. I think that was about the time he left the room to draw on walls and pee on the floor. 8 hours of conference is a lot for a 2 year old! At least he kept himself busy so we could finish watching.

It is always an uplifting weekend, even with pee puddles behind the couch! I can't wait to start reviewing and setting new goals and trying to see with new eyes.

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