Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Four babes.

It has been seven weeks since Annie girl arrived. Before her birth, I fretted as usual, about how I would be able to give enough of myself to all those children. And then I watch the miracle happen--again. Somehow you heart expands even further and you find ways to do even more in every hour. Multitasking is never an option. Breast feeding, reading books, and discussing why we don't hit each other--all at the same time? Welcome to my life. 

But I can honestly say that we are being blessed beyond what I had imagined. Sure there have been hard times--like Marty's first night back at mutual when we ALL cried. However, some really incredible routines and traditions are also taking place. Over the summer I would spend the last bit of each evening laying with each child individually and reading to him/her, sometimes until they were asleep. It was my way of giving them personal attention and showing my love before things would change with the baby. 

After a few days home from the hospital and back to the schedule of Marty gone most evenings for bedtime, it was apparent that separate bedtimes was no longer an option. Since there was no one in our bed anyway, I started having all the kids pile into our big bed for all the books to be read. We go from Ezra's choice of book up through Dorothy's, a chapter or two from each. And it makes me smile to see that they still tend to nod off in order: Ezra on my shoulder at the end of his reading, Lucy somewhere during Dorothy's choice, and Dorothy remains the only one still awake to get a minute to say goodnight by herself. After hugs and kisses and plans for a good next day, she shuffles off to her room. I put Annie down for a minute to move the other's to their beds, and the night is finally quiet and peaceful. 

Every baby makes me love all my babies even more. Oh, how grateful I am to be a mother. 

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