Thursday, October 23, 2014


It is an icky weather week here, so we've been pulling out our favorite indoor activities to get us through. All three of my oldest love when we pull out the watercolor paints. I have to give them a limit of paintings they can do so they won't tear through an entire pad of heavy weight paper in one sitting.
As we were cleaning up from our activity, I stopped to look at each of the children's paints. I paused a moment and laughed to myself because they were so telling about the personalities of my two big girls.
Dorothy is an absolute neat freak. Everything in her room has a place and is promptly returned to that place when she is done using it. She makes her bed first thing when she gets up in the morning. Her clothes always go directly into the hamper. She doesn't like to keep toys in her room to avoid clutter (she plays in her brother and sister's rooms instead). She is wound a bit tightly, as you can tell.

Lucy, on the other hand, only thinks to make her bed when asked. She loves to change her clothes a half dozen times per day and throw the (clean) old outfits on the floor in various spots. Her clothes hamper was removed because she kept dumping it out (amongst her discarded clean clothes) to use it as a toy--she now shares with mom and dad. She loves to play hard, but howls in torment when asked to pick up. She is a bit more of a free spirit. 
I love these two big girls of mine and the fact that they are so different. They help to balance each other out. They are best friends and worst enemies at various points in the day, helping each other to learn some of the hard lessons of life. 

They are beautiful, individual, daughters of God, and I am grateful to know them.

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