Tuesday, February 12, 2013

DAY 12

Pregnancy. Motherhood. Homemaking. All of it. 

I remember running in to one of my college professors not too long after Lucy was born. After telling him about where I was in life, a slight look of disappointment appeared to cross his face. It was a look that asked, "why would you complete your entire degree and begin your teaching career just to stop and have babies?" If only I could answer that question with adequate words. 

I truly feel joy in this season of my life, this chance to be a wife and mother. From the miraculous feeling of a life growing inside of you, to the mundane task of creating a grocery list, I am fulfilled in what I do. True, many of the tasks of motherhood are mindless: folding laundry, vacuuming, washing dishes. However, this does not mean that a mother's mind is dormant. Our mundane tasks are our moments to ponder, to reflect, to pray, to grow. When I do have "free time," I find myself seeking out information, thirsting for knowledge, focusing on the significant. I am growing. I am helping our little ones to grow. As a family, we are constantly moving forward. There is nothing stagnant or stale about motherhood. 

On this twelfth day, I LOVE being a mother.

1 comment:

Jo Jo said...

So true! Love these thoughts! So sad for others when they don't get it.